Khabri Kiran

Since 2011, Khabri Kkkkiran has been keeping you updated about the latest happenings of India, Bollywood and the world around. She is the voice behind Mrs. Bhalla who shares the latest gossip from her mohalla and has her funny take about everything on earth.  She is the adept content writer for Sunil Thakkar and has come up with a million creative ideas for ads & jingles for the Hottest Bollywood radio station in Houston …. Masala Radio.

Kiran  is a graduate in political science, a diploma holder in International Business Management and also a Bachelorette in Education, BUT….her heart was always, is and shall be with Masala Radio.  Kiran is blessed with a very supportive and loving husband and daughter and also abundant love from the Masala family!

Her Masala Mantra for life is “health and happiness and first…everything else…

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